Thursday, July 26, 2012

Starting Again

After a disappointing 4.10 finish at Grandma's Marathon, I have decided to rededicate myself to reaching a BQ. As I wait for my shin to heal, I have decided to work on reaching and maintaining a strong racing weight as well as building strength and hopefully alleviating some of these nagging injuries. My first focus is to change my eating habits by striving to consume 4-5 servings of both fruits and vegetables every day. My second focus is to strength train at least three days a week while mixing in nonimpact cardio until I am cleared to run again. I have been using the Nike Fit app for both cardio and strength training workouts mixed in with time at the gym on the bike and elliptical as well as a little swimming. Today I completed a 15 minute core workout, raced my son in the pool, and played a little two on two basketball with my husband and two sons. Eating habits are probably the most difficult for me to change. I am hoping by recording my daily intake, it will "force" me to be a little more conscious about what I eat. Breakfast was tough as we were rushing off to baseball. Unfortunately, a half of a cinnamon bagel and an iced coffee was all I consumed. Lunch consisted of egg salad on pita bread with avocado and spinach. I made the egg salad with Greek yogurt, mustard, and celery. I also had a pear and a handful of chips. Drink choice was poor as I opted for a ice tea/lemonade instead of my usual ice water. Then we were off to camp and the pool. We should have been better prepared and packed snacks. Instead, I picked up some trail mix at the store and ate a handful of that with a bottle of water. Before dinner I snacked on a few tortilla chips with organic guacamole, popcorn, two animal crackers with almond butter, and some almonds. Dinner consisted of two servings of cooked carrots, one ear of corn, and three small pieces of grilled chicken. My after dinner treat was a piece of dark chocolate with almonds. As I sit here typing this, I am craving my late night snack (a bad habit my husband and I have started). Goal for least 8 hours of sleep, more fruit, more water, and a cardio workout.

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